Sunday, March 15, 2020

Laptop vs. Desktop

Which One is Right for Each Member of Your Team?

If you are in charge of delegating resources for some of your staff members, it may be difficult to balance what employees need while keeping them happy with the latest and greatest, especially in terms of technology. By analyzing a few metrics, you can help settle the laptop vs. desktop debate for the employees at your company.

Consider Employee Job Descriptions
For accounting clerks and bookkeeping staff members, a stationary desktop is probably preferable, as it minimizes their ability to take work home with them. Even if they have the best of intentions, employees who consistently work after hours or off the clock have a higher stress level, which creates a less than desirable work environment.

If your company employs graphic or web designers, the larger screen size afforded by a desktop station will be ideal for allowing them to see their work accurately. Desktops also tend to offer better processors, larger hard drives, and higher capabilities overall when compared to laptops at the same price point. These are all important considerations for employees using RAM-intensive design software to complete their day to day tasks.

Evaluate Cost
Sure, many employees would probably prefer the mobility of a laptop if they weren’t footing the bill, but do they really need it? As mentioned, when comparing a laptop vs. desktop at the same price point, you will typically get a better quality computer from the desktop model.

However, if you are purchasing multiple computers at once, you may be able to get a steep discount. If the majority of your staff needs the mobility of a laptop, you might be able to get a package discount on laptops for everyone. This will not only be budget friendly, but will also keep your stationary employees from feeling like they only get second-best. Luckily, there are plenty of laptop options and desktop options to price out.

Manage Security
When considering what computer equipment to purchase, it is important to also consider the company’s needs. If employees will be using networked software, that is much easier to set up and maintain on a network of desktops or a network of laptops, than a mixture of desktops and laptops. If software and security updates are the norm, your company might be much happier with an all desktop system.

Additionally, your company may have a serious need to control what information users have access to after hours or outside the building. If you have new employees, it may not be wise to give them sensitive documents or financial information to take home on their company-issued laptop to do as they please. Managed IT service are able to monitor this, or your very on IT department.

If your company has several employees requesting laptops, but you do not see a real need for this, consider offering a company voucher or incentive program that allows employees to purchase their own laptops. Because these would be personal computers, you can then limit or manage what company information can be added to them, keeping company information safe and employees happy.

Promote Usability
The final consideration for determining whether to buy a laptop vs. desktop is to make sure it is user friendly for the employee and the company. If your sales force is frequently out in the field making presentations to prospective customers, it’s important to make sure they have the tools to make the sale. While security and cost will always be an issue, it’s also important to not lose sight of what employees need to get the job done right the first time.

By considering all aspects of your employees’ daily workflow and the overall company’s needs, you can finally solve the great laptop vs. desktop debate.

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